The LG7 site

Welcome to the LG7 Web site designed to bring you accurate and impartial information on the latest lighting guide from the Society of Light & Lighting.

The site was created by Paul Ruffles, the author of the new Office Lighting Guide LG7, to ensure that suitable information is presented to the lighting profession and the wider readership. Paul Ruffles is the Principal of Lighting Design & Technology a lighting design practice based in Bath.

LG7 ‘Office Lighting’ has been completely rewritten from the previous edition published in 1993. One of the main features is that it incorporates all the sections of LG3 ‘The visual environment for display screen use’ that is relevant to offices. Full details of the content of the guide can be found on the ‘Details of LG7’ page.

Feel free to browse around this site. If you have comments or questions about LG7 or LG3, or simply need more information you can contact Paul by phone on 01225 310022 or by e-mail on Alternately you can contact Jonathan David, the Secretary of the Society of Light & Lighting, on 020 8675 5211 or e-mail him at

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